If you want to learn to paper piece and live near the Fox Cities, keep reading. The Darting Needles Quilt Guild from Appleton, WI is sponsoring me to hold an all day workshop on Paper Piecing Basics, Friday 14 from 9 to 3. This class will be held at the Fox Cities Quilt Company in Appleton.

Those attending the workshop will learn how to paper piece simple and combination blocks from my Sew Yourself A Merry Little Christmas book.

On Thursday, the day before the workshop, I will be lecturing on” Paper Piecing, and Selecting the Right Fabric for your Projects”. Join me for an evening of fun held at the First United Methodist Church on Franklin St, Appleton at 7pm. The lecture is free!
Contact JoAnn Nemitz for information about the Paper Piecing Workshop, (920) 731-3722.
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Hallo im ingrid i would like to order. The book with all the dogs .in paper piecing .but i find it difficoltà .can you send me the exact adress.and name of book .thank you so much .can they be found in Amazon ?.waiting for a replay, ingrid venezia Italy .
Ingrid, I’m not quite sure which “dogs” you are talking about since I have many. Here is a link to my “Dogs Only” pattern in PDF which can be downloaded.
Or you can email me at maryannhertel@gmail.com for further assistance.
Sounds like a great workshop – quilters really need to try paper piecing!