Category Archives: gnome block

Even MORE Halloween Fun!

I’ve had so much fun all month designing Halloween Gnomes. I know how much you love paper pieced gnomes, and so do I! After finishing 12 new Halloween blocks, I have put them into my latest quilt pattern.


I’m loving all of these Gnomes, but here are some of my favorites…

The SO FRANKEN CUTE GNOME has a tiny little spider made from a button with French Knot eyes. Adorps!

The WITCH’S BREW GNOME is mixing her favorite concoction in her cauldron….TOO FUN!

Here is BOO 2 GNOME. He’s one of my faves!

JACK O’LANTERN GNOME couldn’t be any cuter. I love the white tooth!

BLACK CAT GNOME was the most fun to piece! But I honestly love them all. All 12 Halloween blocks are also available sold separately for your smaller holiday projects.

I would like to thank all of my friends and customers who participated in this year’s Row-Along. The winner of my FREE GNOME WITH BIG CATCH block pattern is Sue Holman. Congrats!


My favorite holiday is approaching! I’m excited to use these brand new Halloween paper pieced block patterns in some projects. Which is your favorite?


Wouldn’t an entire Halloween Quilt be great? Here are more Halloween paper pieced blocks that could be added…

This spooky quilt was put together by my customer Donna. She did an awesome job using my collection of Halloween blocks. All of these block patterns, as well as all of the gnome blocks can be found at ETSY.

Gardening Gnomes

Gardening is such a popular pastime. I am almost as passionate about gardening as I am for paper piecing.

My sweet customer Trish, requested some gardening gnomes.

Trish particularly wanted a girl gnome with braids.


This gnome helps me water the flowers.

I use my blocks for all sorts of projects…

Garden Gnome Vest

I designed this vest for a sewing competition. Kind of quirky and whimsical! Next I am using the garden gnomes on some pillows for a gift.

The 3 day sewing competition is called TOP STITCH and was held in Ripon, Wisconsin. There were 4 of us competing, sewing a different challenge every day. The first day we created umbrellas…

Chris, Myself, Jill, and Deanna

Our second challenge was a lampshade…

Can you guess which lampshade is mine??? Here’s a hint…it’s the paper pieced one!

The best thing about the competition was meeting 3 new wonderful friends. Jill’s company, June Tailor, is having a huge WAREHOUSE SALE in West Bend next week. She invited me to be a vendor.

I will be vending on Thursday and Friday, August 26 and 27 at this awesome fabric and notions sale in West Bend, Wisconsin.

If you are wondering who won the TOP STITCH competition…it wasn’t me! But I will keep the names of the winners a surprise, as you can watch the video on Creative Spark soon.