Category Archives: paper pieced gnome block

November Paper Piecing

I’m excited to be on the cover of the 2021 QUILTMAKER magazine, November/December issue. Those are my cute sledding Penguins on the cover.


These blocks are as fun to paper piece as they look!


The wonderful editors at Golden Peak Media have been so awesome to work with, and are always looking for clever quilting ideas for their magazines. I am so lucky to be in a second magazine this month…

McCall’s Quilting

My GNOME APRON is in the 2021 McCall’s Quilting November/December issue.


You know how much I love my Gnomies. This holiday apron is adorable, and so easy to make. I wear my apron when I give lectures for Quilt Guilds! It’s a crowd pleaser.

Speaking of Gnomes…here are my newest Gnome additions for November…


THANKSGIVING GNOME is holding his Indian corn. The best fun is finding just the right fabric for the corn cobs.


I am not a huge beer drinker, but this BEER DRINKING GNOME was created as a special request from a customer, and it is quite popular!


GNOME WITH A LIGHTHOUSE was designed for my brother-in-law who collects lighthouses.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving…life is good. Enjoy!

Even MORE Halloween Fun!

I’ve had so much fun all month designing Halloween Gnomes. I know how much you love paper pieced gnomes, and so do I! After finishing 12 new Halloween blocks, I have put them into my latest quilt pattern.


I’m loving all of these Gnomes, but here are some of my favorites…

The SO FRANKEN CUTE GNOME has a tiny little spider made from a button with French Knot eyes. Adorps!

The WITCH’S BREW GNOME is mixing her favorite concoction in her cauldron….TOO FUN!

Here is BOO 2 GNOME. He’s one of my faves!

JACK O’LANTERN GNOME couldn’t be any cuter. I love the white tooth!

BLACK CAT GNOME was the most fun to piece! But I honestly love them all. All 12 Halloween blocks are also available sold separately for your smaller holiday projects.

I would like to thank all of my friends and customers who participated in this year’s Row-Along. The winner of my FREE GNOME WITH BIG CATCH block pattern is Sue Holman. Congrats!


My favorite holiday is approaching! I’m excited to use these brand new Halloween paper pieced block patterns in some projects. Which is your favorite?


Wouldn’t an entire Halloween Quilt be great? Here are more Halloween paper pieced blocks that could be added…

This spooky quilt was put together by my customer Donna. She did an awesome job using my collection of Halloween blocks. All of these block patterns, as well as all of the gnome blocks can be found at ETSY.

Just a Few Days Left!

Our Christmas Pattern Bundle ends on Friday. It has everything you need to get a GOOD HEAD START this year! With quilts, tree skirt, ornament, stocking, mini quilts (perfect for quick decorations) this bundle of 13 patterns by 13 designers will help you get sewing and inspired to get done sooner than Christmas eve. Thirteen Christmas patterns for $19.99, for a limited time – available for 5 days only, July 5-9, 2021!

This is a short 5 day sale.  After this date, the product will not be available for purchase any longer. So, —if you snooze you lose.

You’ll love the patterns, which include paper piecing, traditional piecing and a little bit of embroidery. Something for any level of quilter.  From beginner to advanced. You’ll love showing off your skills with these fun gifts you can sew! 

And, maybe you’ll just sew them for yourself.  That’s all right too. 

To check out the patterns AND the DESIGNERS — GO HERE!

These are our 13 designers…find them on Instagram here…















Gnome For Christmas

Want to get in on a great deal? I am linking with 13 pattern designers to offer you my newest gnome pattern, Gnome For Christmas Tree Skirt. My pattern will be included in a bundle of patterns from all 13 designers, for only $19.99.

This is the first time I am offering a group of Gnome blocks in one pattern, which many of my customers have been requesting. Here’s your chance to get 8 Gnome block patterns, AND the directions to construct this adorable Christmas Tree Skirt.


Check out the CHRISTMAS IN JULY BUNDLE… it’s an amazing deal! For $19.99 you will be getting loads of adorable holiday patterns. Get ahead of the season by starting your Christmas sewing now!

I designed this TREE SKIRT pattern just for this event, but it can also be used as a table topper. And, each of the 8 different gnomes can be used in scores of other patterns which will be available on my MADE BY MARNEY ETSY shop soon…


Each individual gnome block pattern sells for $3 in my shop, so purchasing them as a bundle is a great deal!


Here are close-ups of the other gnome blocks available in the CHRISTMAS PATTERN BUNDLE


13 Christmas patterns from 13 different designers…all for only $19.99! BUT THIS OFFER STARTS JULY 5 AND ENDS ON JULY 9! Don’t miss out. See all of the patterns available at CHRISTMAS PATTERN BUNDLE, and start your holiday sewing today!


As summer approaches, I am anticipating playing my newest passion in the park, Pickleball. All winter I have beaten the blues by socializing with 8 friends at indoor pickleball, while wearing masks.

I even sewed matching “pickle masks” for our teams. But I can’t wait to get back outside and play at some of the local courts in our city parks.

So when my son Brady suggested I create a Pickleball Gnome, I knew he was absolutely right. How had I forgotten to make a gnome doing my favorite sport?

Pickleball Gnome Potholders

You can get both patterns as a set, plus the directions to sew these cute as can be potholders.

Pickleball Gnome Dinker

Or get the paper pieced block patterns separately. Here’s the “Dinker”, which is a short shot.

Pickleball Gnome Slammer

And here’s the Pickleball Slammer, which is my favorite shot!

I’d love to hear from any other pickleball enthusiasts! What are you doing to promote pickleball? Where do you love to play? I’m in Wisconsin, so we are limited in winter to a tennis center or YMCA.

Hippity Hoppity, Easter’s On It’s Way

If you are looking for some quick Easter projects, you might enjoy these paper pieced blocks…


Here is one of my newer Gnomes Blocks. The EASTER BUNNY GNOME BLOCK would make adorable potholders or a pillow.


The EASTER TABLE RUNNER PATTERN has 6 blocks of bunnies and chicks. I have these potholders hanging in my kitchen right now!

These projects were created by Marilyn using the above pattern. Great job!

HAPPY EASTER BUNNY AND DUCKY POTHOLDERS are super cute, and can be used in other projects, too.

Didn’t Lisa do a wonderful job making this Easter table runner using the HAPPY EASTER BUNNY BLOCK?


Edith used my EASTER BUNNY 2 BLOCK to make this adorable Easter tote. I love seeing what you are making with my patterns. Please share your photos!

Happy Easter to all!

Leprechauns Everywhere!

Since St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, I am highlighting some of my St. Pat’s designs this week.

If you want a quick and cute kit for a LEPRECHAUN GNOME PILLOW you will find this kit available on RebsFabStash online quilt shop.

Or you could just order the LEPRECHAUN GNOME BLOCK.

This is my newest LIL’ LEPRECHAUN GNOME BLOCK pattern.

I used the Lil’ Leprechaun in this cute as can be kitchen towel…

Lil’ Leprechaun

The LUCKY LEPRECHAUN is my most popular block this month. His nose is a stuffed fabric yoyo.


Here he is in a mug rug…


And here’s LEPRECHAUN.


This is a sweet table runner that my customer created using LEPRECHAUN and CLOVER LEAF.

Carin shared a photo of the Lucky Leprechaun Journals made by her friends. Aren’t they just the cutest?

I’d love to see what you have created with my Leprechauns!

Gnomes for MORE Seasons…

So many customers are asking for more GNOMES. If you are looking for a paper pieced gnome for every month of the year, you can pick and choose the 12 you like the most to make your gnome quilt….choose a Gnome for every month. Here are some of my newest gnomes.


For the EASTER BUNNY GNOME I lucked out and found a scrap of this great basket weave fabric. The most fun was finding some adorable Easter egg buttons from Hobby Lobby to fill my basket. Click on HOBBY LOBBY if you want to find the same eggs. These buttons were actually in the craft department by the scrapbooking supplies. But you could hot glue or sew anything in the basket…tiny buttons, small flowers, or a mini chick! This gnome would be great for the month of April.


The GNOME WITH PUMPKIN would work nicely for October or November.


The WEENIE ROAST BLOCK is the first in a series of new CAMPING GNOMES. I’m having so much fun with these blocks.


The GNOME IN CANOE block pattern is the second in my CAMPING GNOMES series. I’ll be making more of these designs, and would love some input for more ideas for these cute campers! Please email me at with your thoughts.

Heart Bandit

Here’s a cute paper pieced mug rug pattern just in time for Valentine’s Day. You will find it in the January/February 2021 issue of McCalls Quilting.

This HEART BANDIT MUG RUG is cute, cute, cute! The magazine has full instructions for paper piecing the raccoon block and consructing the mug rug.

The sassy little raccoon block is easy to complete in a day. You could have some sweet Valentine’s gifts done in no time.

Wrap up this mug rug with a coffee mug and some hot cocoa!


One of my customers, Nickola, requested a gnome couple holding hands. GNOME LOVE is now available on ETSY. This would be so cute for February projects. I am going to make a potholder for a wedding. What would you make?