Category Archives: Paper Pieced Quilts

Heart Bandit

Here’s a cute paper pieced mug rug pattern just in time for Valentine’s Day. You will find it in the January/February 2021 issue of McCalls Quilting.

This HEART BANDIT MUG RUG is cute, cute, cute! The magazine has full instructions for paper piecing the raccoon block and consructing the mug rug.

The sassy little raccoon block is easy to complete in a day. You could have some sweet Valentine’s gifts done in no time.

Wrap up this mug rug with a coffee mug and some hot cocoa!


One of my customers, Nickola, requested a gnome couple holding hands. GNOME LOVE is now available on ETSY. This would be so cute for February projects. I am going to make a potholder for a wedding. What would you make?

Winter Gnomes

Here are my latest additions to my paper pieced Gnome collection.


GNOME IN A TRUCK is a combination of my 2 favorite things…red trucks and gnomes! I was so happy with this sweet gnome, that I made his girl friend…


GIRL GNOME‘s braids have small pieces, which makes this an intermediate level pattern.


This GNOME WITH A HEART has been very popular for Valentine’s Day projects. I’m making a sofa pillow. What are you using it for?

Happy Valentines Day … will you be my gnomie?

What’s New For Winter?

January is always a tough month for me…getting through 5 weeks of winter can be grueling. I stay in Wisconsin, and take advantage of the snow with some cross country skiing and snow shoeing. AND I decorate with paper pieced snowmen. They can stay in place until Valentine’s Day or beyond, so it’s an easy decorating theme.


These 2 cuties are from my newest book, PAPER PIECING ALL YEAR ROUND. With 24 block patterns and lots of cute projects, this book is a good bargain.


I have my SNOWMAN TABLE RUNNER on my dining table this month. And wouldn’t it be adorable with this GNOME SNOWMAN used for the blocks? He has been one of my hottest sellers this month.


Just in time for the Super Bowl, I have a FOOTBALL GNOME!


This block pattern includes an entire applique alphabet for the flag and even numbers. You can customize your FOOTBALL GNOME with any team letters or numbers!


Football Gnomes would make adorable potholders, pillows, or quilts. Here’s a pillowcase pattern that would make your sports lover sleep better…


Is it obvious who I watch on Sundays? Well, I’m not prejudiced, so here are some of the many other football pillowcase patterns that I offer on ETSY.


I can’t show them all here. You’ll have to search my shop on ETSY if you are looking for your favorite team.

If you are looking for more snowman or football paper piecing patterns, and have a great suggestion, please email me at:

I LOVE to hear from you!

Gnomes For All Seasons…

Yes, I know…I should be drinking coffee with Bailey’s and putting my feet up for the holidays, but NO…instead I am designing even more Gnomes.

Some of you want Gnomes for every season, so I am adding these new designs to my evergrowing list of gnome paper pieced patterns.


SANTA GNOME works perfectly for the holidays. He has his sack full of toys near by!


REINDEER GNOME is Santa Gnomes best buddy. They will make a cute couple as potholders!


GNOME WITH GIFTS has my sweet gnome juggling packages for his lucky friends.


SNOWMAN GNOME has just been posted on Etsy and is wildly popular! He is a cutie patootie.


ICE SKATING GNOME is one of my personal favorites. This brings back so many great memories of skating in the pond on our farm.


SLEDDING GNOME is having a great time! These are my newest holiday gnome designs. I will save my other new patterns til next time. I have some for Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Have a super holiday!

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs…For a Good Cause.

This adorable handmade paper pieced DOG QUILT is being offered in an online auction, benefits to go to the Street Dog Foundation.

The quilt was lovingly paper pieced by Janet, using my dog patterns, of course! She donated all of the materials and her time for the Street Dog Foundation’s benefit. It would be great if you would show your support by placing a bid on this lovely quilt in the next 2 weeks, after which bidding will end.


And speaking of dog patterns, here are my 4 newest dogs just in time for the holidays… Holiday Golden Retriever reminds me of my first dog, a lovable Golden.

Holiday Pug

This Holiday Pug block was inspired by my Pug loving customers. There are so many of them!

Holiday French Bulldog

The Holiday French Bulldog block would make a super cute pillow for Christmas, or anytime!

Holiday Dachshund

The Holiday Dachshund was inspired by a good friend who loves them.

I would love to see what you can create with these new holiday blocks…please share photos! Here are some of my customers latest photo shares…

Doggie Tree Skirt

I am in love with Marilyn’s Doggie Tree Skirt. This tree skirt could be made by substituting my dog blocks for the Christmas blocks in my Christmas Tree Skirt Sampler.

Rescue, It Does A Body Good

Can you believe this cute as can be rescue quilt created by Gina? Love it!

This is Judy being creative. She took my Pit Bull block pattern and revised it to create an image that looks exactly like her dog. I am so proud of my very talented customers!

Here’s a great version of Doggies in black and white fabrics from Bobbi. Can’t wait to see what you are making from my dog blocks!

Holiday Gnomes

Since Gnomes are all the rage this holiday, my customers have been requesting more gnome designs…and I love a challenge!


I LOVE this super cute LUMBERJACK GNOME. I can’t wait to make my paper pieced block into a cozy winter pillow. What will you do with yours?


The only item hotter than gnomes right now are lanterns. This clever little gnome is done in Christmas colors, but doesn’t need to be. The GNOME WITH LANTERN would be adorable all year round.


I like a gnome with braids. MISS GNOME has very cute braids, and she pairs nicely with GNOME WITH A BIRD. These 2 would make a lovely pair of pillows or potholders.


As always, I ‘m open to suggestions…what other gnomes would you like to see designed for the holidays, or for anytime!

Which Witch is Which?

I’ve just designed two new witch blocks just in time for Halloween…


This is such an easy pattern…using a striped fabric for Wanda The Witch’s hair makes it look like it has lots of texture. Wanda has such a beautiful wonky nose! Very witchy indeed!


My Goofy Witch has 2 sparkling teeth and a giant wart on her nose. Wouldn’t it be fun to make potholders from these two lovely witches? Which witch is which????

Here are a few more adorable Halloween projects made from my paper pieced witch and cat patterns…

Gayle constructed this wonderful Halloween pillow using my TOOTHY WITCH. I love her fabric choices!

Here is SCAT CAT used in a pillow. See how easy those crazy teeth are using a striped fabric? And what a great border fabric!

Here is the same SKAT CAT pattern. Look how fabrics can change the look of a pattern! The fabrics you choose say something about your personality.

Keep sending me your Halloween photos. I love seeing what you are creating.


I am super excited to share my newest book, SEW MAGICAL. This paper piece book is FANTASTICAL!


The 16 mystical blocks in this book are amazing. I can’t wait to see what you will do with them. Here are some of the things I came up with, and all of the directions for sewing these projects are included in the book.

Lap Quilt

This adorable lap quilt is so versatile. You can add any of the blocks from the book to create your own masterpiece quilt.


This super sweet Backpack would make the nicest gift for someone you love.

Baby Quilt

This quilt could be for a baby, or perhaps just someone who loves mermaids!

Unicorn Pillow

There are 2 pillow patterns in the book, so any of the blocks can be incorporated into a pillow.

Gnome Pillow

Plus these 5 blocks…


This book is jam packed with fun for all you paper piecers! If you live anywhere near APPLETON, WISCONSIN, please join me on Friday, June 26 for my official SEND OFF for SEW MAGICAL. This Trunk Show is being held at FOX VALLEY QUILT COMPANY, and I will be there to meet you and sign books from 10 am -1 pm. The address is: 1400 W College Ave, Appleton, WI 54914.

There will also be a Quilt Show with 20 of my newest projects. Hope to see you on Friday!


After months of staying home, I am ready for something fresh and new, and I’ll bet you are too! Fons & Porter has started a brand spanking new publication, QUICK & EASY QUILTS, and this fun, fresh, and new publication is bound to put a spring in your step.

The premiere issue is coming in August/September. Inside you’ll find 12 fresh projects that are not only Accessible to Beginners but Appealing to All Quilters and guess who has a project inside…

  • All of the Star-Studded Designers in this issue include:
  • Victoria Findlay Wolfe @VictoriaFindlayWolfe
  • Charisma Horton @CharismaHorton
  • Kimberly Jolly @itssewemma and @fatquartershop
  • Abigail Dolinger @aby.quilts
  • Geraldine Wilkins @LivingWaterQuilter
  • Jen Daly @JenDalyQuilts
  • Mary Hertel @MadebyMarney (me!)
  • Scott Flanagan @ScottAlanFlanagan
  • Nancy Mahoney @NancyMahoney
  • Reed Johnson @BlueBearQuilts
  • Ramona Sorensen
  • Gina Reddin @GinaReddin

My Puppy and Kitty Pocket Pillowcase patterns are featured in the issue. This pint-sized pillowcase has a paper pieced pocket that can hold a special surprise for your little one.

A 12″ x 16″ travel pillow fits perfectly in this mini pillowcase. The pocket can hold a toy or book, to entertain your child when you are traveling.

The pockets are paper pieced, and so easy. Make both pillows in no time!

I am so excited to share the news about this new publication. Order your copy HERE and see 11 more stunning projects.

The Last Unicorn and other FREE STUFF

Welcome to our 2019 Once Upon A Story Row-A-Long. A big THANK YOU to Marian Pena and her hours of preparation time organizing this years event.

My featured fairy tale is The Last Unicorn, by Peter Beagle.

The Last Unicorn is a lovely story about a unicorn who dreams big!

Dream Big

This paper pieced unicorn row measures 9″ x 18″. This includes the outer border. The letters “Dream Big” are machine embroidered onto the finished block. But, any word or name could be used. And if machine embroidery is not your thing, a word could be appliqued in the space above the unicorn.

This pattern is NO LONGER FREE, but can be found at UNICORN ON ETSY. The FREE pattern has expired and now is available in MADE BY MARNEY ETSY SHOP.

And now for the GIVE-AWAY! If unicorns are your thing, you will love my new pattern “UNICORN QUILT”. You can win this pattern free, just leave a COMMENT below. I would love to hear what your favorite subject matter is for a quilt.

Unicorn Quilt

This quilt is excellent for a beginner. The paper pieced blocks are super easy. The Unicorn is paper pieced, and the flowers and alphabet letters are applique. This is a great quilt to personalize.

Not a paper piecer? Watch my free tutorials: PAPER PIECING TUTORIAL #1 and PAPER PIECING TUTORIAL #2


enter the GIVE-AWAY.

Please visit the other bloggers participating today in this Row-A-Long.