Hi! I’m Mary Hertel. Welcome to my newest book “HOME SWEET HOME Paper Piecing“. Featuring 17 of my favorite block patterns, and 7 charming projects, this book is guaranteed to provide hours of creative fun for you.

If you are new to paper piecing, you can rely on any of my books to provide step by step directions. To give you even more assistance, visit me at madebymarney.com to watch paper piecing tutorials.

Did you know that as you paper piece, the block is created on the back of the paper pattern, and will be the opposite of the pattern? On the pattern, this sweet gnome’s flower is actually pictured on the left, but in the finished block it will be on the right.

With gnomes from spring, summer, fall, and winter, this table runner can be used all year long. The book has lots of great gift ideas. Why not start sewing those Christmas gifts right now?

Totes, floor pillows, wall hangings, pillowcases and more. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
And remember, all 17 blocks can be used in any of my other 6 books. What a great way to show your creativity!
Please visit me at www.madebymarney.com for more paper piecing ideas.