Category Archives: quilting


This amazing bundle of patterns is available to you for just a few days. You will receive all 10 pattern downloads for just $19. This is an wonderful offer, since just my pattern alone normally sells for $10.

This bundle will only be available at this price from March 2-5. I will send out some email reminders to you as it gets closer.

Here’s my pre-cut pattern, CAMPIN’ GNOMES…


My pattern includes 5 paper pieced Gnomes, and the directions to assemble this quilt using a charm pack as the outside border. So easy! This pattern, as well as 9 more will be available for purchase as one bundle for only $19. More to come soon on the other designers and patterns….


At the request of one of my customers, I have designed some firefighter blocks.


This FIRE TRUCK BLOCK could have a little face fussy cut into the window. Wouldn’t that be cute?


The FIRE HYDRANT BLOCK was so much fun to design!


The FIREFIGHTER HELMET BLOCK can be personalized with any number, since I include applique numbers in the pattern.

Use all 3 blocks into a wall hanging for your firemen lover.

Here are 2 new sport gnomes…


I was lucky to find this amazing “soccer ball” fabric at Hobby Lobby…

Soccer Fabric

This fabric can be fussy cut to fit perfectly in my block for the Gnome’s soccer ball. Find it HERE. If you can’t find this, try a white fabric with large black dots.


This GOLFING GNOME is super cute, and would make an awesome image to add to a golfing towel! Substitute this gnome block for the GOLFING BLOCK in my GOLF TOTE PATTERN.


Both the GOLF TOWEL and the GOLF TOTE are in this pattern. I love my tote! It has a zipper opening along the top, and a large eyelet opening to hook onto my golf bag.


I was vending last weekend at West Bend Wisconsin…thought you might enjoy to see some photos of my booth!

Happy February!

Newest Gnomes

Here are some new Gnomes that I designed for customers. You might like them too!


SKIING GNOME is gosh darn cute as he tumbles down the ski slope! I am putting him on a pillow!


PIRATE GNOME and PIRATE SHIP can be used together as a pair of pillows, etc. or separately. They sure would look great in a kid’s room!


I love “My Hero”, DOCTOR GNOME! With the stethoscope ready to use…this cute Doctor is ready to be heroic.


NURSE GNOME is ready with the hypodermic! These two timely gnomes make a cute couple.


Use a metallic fabric for the wings on GNOME ANGEL to give a truly heavenly look! I always attach fusible T-shirt interfacing to the back of any metallic fabrics when I am paper piecing. It makes them much easier to handle.

Yes, I have been busy! Next time, I’ll share some new sports Gnomes AND info about my new book!

Scrap Busting Blog Hop

Welcome to our Scrap Busting Blog Hop, where we embrace every scrap in our sewing rooms. We are proving that there is no unusable scrap! I find that especially true in paper piecing, where I use my scraps every day. It is important to have a wide variety of colors to choose from when paper piecing, so as to find just that right print and color when piecing together an image.

Thanks to Melissa for hosting this blog hop and giving the designers a chance to share something new.

Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, I have created a new HEARTY GNOME block. It is cute as can be, and is free to anyone who subscribes to my blog.


This block is great for intermediate paper piecers, but could be tackled by a confident beginner, too. This sweet gnome looks great in all kinds of projects. I added him to a 12″ pillow.

I have more Valentine Gnome patterns that would pair nicely with the HEARTY GNOME.


GNOME WITH HEART would make a great companion pillow, or make a pair of potholders, or even a small table runner. This paper pieced block pattern is available on Etsy.


GNOME LOVE is not only lovely for your Valentine, but would also make a great gift for a wedding or anniversary. Notice how the space between their hats forms a heart? This pattern is also available on Etsy.

If you are new to paper piecing, visit the Video/Tutorial Page on this blog for step by step directions to paper piece using my patterns.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Please visit the SCRAP BUSTING BLOG HOP every Monday in January and February to see new Scrap Busting posts.

You can also visit these SCRAP BUSTING BLOG participants:

Quilting Room With Mel

Katie Mae Quilts

Some Holiday Projects

I am always asking my customers to send photos of the things they create using my patterns. Today I am sharing some of my favorite photos.

This adorable wall hanging was sewn by Carol Cheesman using LUMBERJACK GNOME, SANTA GNOME, and GNOME WITH GIFTS.

Elise Brasseale made these cute little mug rugs using the elf from SEW YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS, and GNOME WITH LANTERN.

Crafty Judy Miniclier created this adorable GNOME QUILT, using assorted GNOMES FROM MY SHOP. Beautiful!

These Christmas blocks were shared by Joyce Albers. She is creating a holiday quilt. She used HO HO HO SANTA, CARDINAL, ICE SKATE, and EASY ICE SKATE.

Joyce Olson created this super cute CAMPING QUILT, using a variety of my patterns plus my CAMPING BLOCKS.

Maridee Hargis made my SNOWMAN GNOME block into a potholder.

I just want to kiss this little guy, LABRADOODLE BLOCK. Little mat sewn by Monique Covell.

And my last customer project for today is from Mary Edholm, sewing this sweet UNICORN PILLOW, using my UNICORN BLOCK.


I am making these 3 holiday dogs for some Xmas pillows…HOLIDAY GOLDEN RETRIEVER, HOLIDAY FRENCH BULLDOG, and HOLIDAY DACHSHUND.

Happy sewing!


My favorite holiday is approaching! I’m excited to use these brand new Halloween paper pieced block patterns in some projects. Which is your favorite?


Wouldn’t an entire Halloween Quilt be great? Here are more Halloween paper pieced blocks that could be added…

This spooky quilt was put together by my customer Donna. She did an awesome job using my collection of Halloween blocks. All of these block patterns, as well as all of the gnome blocks can be found at ETSY.

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Gardening Gnomes

Gardening is such a popular pastime. I am almost as passionate about gardening as I am for paper piecing.

My sweet customer Trish, requested some gardening gnomes.

Trish particularly wanted a girl gnome with braids.


This gnome helps me water the flowers.

I use my blocks for all sorts of projects…

Garden Gnome Vest

I designed this vest for a sewing competition. Kind of quirky and whimsical! Next I am using the garden gnomes on some pillows for a gift.

The 3 day sewing competition is called TOP STITCH and was held in Ripon, Wisconsin. There were 4 of us competing, sewing a different challenge every day. The first day we created umbrellas…

Chris, Myself, Jill, and Deanna

Our second challenge was a lampshade…

Can you guess which lampshade is mine??? Here’s a hint…it’s the paper pieced one!

The best thing about the competition was meeting 3 new wonderful friends. Jill’s company, June Tailor, is having a huge WAREHOUSE SALE in West Bend next week. She invited me to be a vendor.

I will be vending on Thursday and Friday, August 26 and 27 at this awesome fabric and notions sale in West Bend, Wisconsin.

If you are wondering who won the TOP STITCH competition…it wasn’t me! But I will keep the names of the winners a surprise, as you can watch the video on Creative Spark soon.

Just a Few Days Left!

Our Christmas Pattern Bundle ends on Friday. It has everything you need to get a GOOD HEAD START this year! With quilts, tree skirt, ornament, stocking, mini quilts (perfect for quick decorations) this bundle of 13 patterns by 13 designers will help you get sewing and inspired to get done sooner than Christmas eve. Thirteen Christmas patterns for $19.99, for a limited time – available for 5 days only, July 5-9, 2021!

This is a short 5 day sale.  After this date, the product will not be available for purchase any longer. So, —if you snooze you lose.

You’ll love the patterns, which include paper piecing, traditional piecing and a little bit of embroidery. Something for any level of quilter.  From beginner to advanced. You’ll love showing off your skills with these fun gifts you can sew! 

And, maybe you’ll just sew them for yourself.  That’s all right too. 

To check out the patterns AND the DESIGNERS — GO HERE!

These are our 13 designers…find them on Instagram here…















Pond Critters and other Summery Stuff

My garden is calling me… and I’m enjoying sunny days in my yard. Here’s my “SucculentTurtle”. I left him out in the snow all winter and about half of the hen and chicks survived the Wisconsin cold.

When a customer asked me to design some “pond creatures”, a turtle was a must.


Paper piecing a fantastic turtle is all about the fabric you can find for the turtle’s shell. I just happened to have this scrap left from a previous project, and it is perfect for a turtle done completely in cool colors. I have no recollection of the fabric company, but if you recognize it, please share with me as I’m sure someone will ask 🙂


My customer specifically wanted a block with a DRAGONFLY and cattails. Here’s the complete collection, sold as a set of 4 paper pieced blocks.


Since these patterns have some small pieces, I would recommend them for an intermediate or experienced paper piecer. The TURTLE is the easiest of the 4.

Here are some of my customers beautiful projects…I’m so proud of them!


This is Terry’s first ever paper piecing project…all the dogs are my patterns except for that cute poodle in the bottom row!

Penny paper pieced all of my horse patterns from HAY GIRL. Penny’s grandaughter will love this gift on her 7th birthday. The large horse in the center is not my pattern… but is gorgeous!


This UNICORN BLOCK is one of my most popular pattern blocks, and Mary made the cutest pillow for her 4 year old grandaughter. Her favorite colors are pink and purple, of course!

Keep emailing your photos! I love seeing what you are creating with my patterns.