Want to get in on a great deal? I am linking with 13 pattern designers to offer you my newest gnome pattern, Gnome For Christmas Tree Skirt. My pattern will be included in a bundle of patterns from all 13 designers, for only $19.99.
This is the first time I am offering a group of Gnome blocks in one pattern, which many of my customers have been requesting. Here’s your chance to get 8 Gnome block patterns, AND the directions to construct this adorable Christmas Tree Skirt.

Check out the CHRISTMAS IN JULY BUNDLE… it’s an amazing deal! For $19.99 you will be getting loads of adorable holiday patterns. Get ahead of the season by starting your Christmas sewing now!
I designed this TREE SKIRT pattern just for this event, but it can also be used as a table topper. And, each of the 8 different gnomes can be used in scores of other patterns which will be available on my MADE BY MARNEY ETSY shop soon…
Each individual gnome block pattern sells for $3 in my shop, so purchasing them as a bundle is a great deal!
Here are close-ups of the other gnome blocks available in the CHRISTMAS PATTERN BUNDLE…

13 Christmas patterns from 13 different designers…all for only $19.99! BUT THIS OFFER STARTS JULY 5 AND ENDS ON JULY 9! Don’t miss out. See all of the patterns available at CHRISTMAS PATTERN BUNDLE, and start your holiday sewing today!