I’m having fun designing new bird patterns…

Finding the right fabrics is always the key. The water fabric is perfect, don’t you agree? And the wonky black and white hashtag makes a super cute loon fabric! LOON ON THE LAKE #2 and LOON ON THE LAKE #3 are both brand new designs.

Here’s a loon I already had in my collection of FOWL FRIENDS. I’m planning to put all 3 of these loons together for a table runner for my cabin. We have a pair of loons that return to our lake in northern Wisconsin every year.

Those loons were my inspiration for designing this quilt pattern. I wanted to make a collection of water loving birds.
Here are some creations that my customers have made from my first loon pattern…

Larisa created her loons for a lap quilt. Who doesn’t love loons!

CHICKADEE #1 and CHICKADEE #2 were both designed at the request of a customer.

These 2 cuties remind me of Spring.