My FREE block is “HEARTY PENGUIN”. This paper pieced block measures 8″ x 8″ unfinished. This block would make a great pillow, potholder, or could be used in a table runner.

My FREE block is “HEARTY PENGUIN”. This paper pieced block measures 8″ x 8″ unfinished. This block would make a great pillow, potholder, or could be used in a table runner.
Welcome to my paper piecing tutorial “#2: Sewing Segments Together”. My step by step directions are designed to help you use my “Made By Marney” paper pieced patterns.If you are piecing a combination block, you will have to paper piece each segment in the pattern, then sew these segments together. Watch “Tutorial #1: Paper Piecing a Segment” if you are a beginner before watching this tutorial.
The Penguin block I am using in this tutorial is a FREE download and will be available on my website starting on Tuesday, February 6.
Step 4: Bend the paper pattern out of the way and trim away any excess seam allowance beyond the 1/4″ needed.
Step 5: Flip fabric 2 in place behind piece #2 and press flat.
Step 6: Trim away the excess fabric, leaving a generous 1/2″ beyond what is needed.
Step 7: Position the fabric for piece #3. Again, I am bending the pattern on the stitching line so I can peek under the pattern to help place my fabric to allow about 1/2″ of seam allowance. (I am always generous with this seam allowance, especially for beginners.)
Above, you can see that piece #3 is stitched, pressed in place, and the excess fabric has been trimmed. Continue to add pieces in numerical order.
Above you can see that section C is now completed.
Trim the seam allowance 1/4″ from the red line. Segment C will be sewn to Segments A and B along the red lines.
Step 8: This a close up showing how I match the seam lines for segments A and B. Poke a straight pin through the seam line of segment A and match it with the seam line on segment B.
Pin the segments together. Sew on the seam line.
Rip off the paper that is in the seam allowance on each side.
Press the seam to one side. Here is segment A and B sewn together and pressed.
If you need any further assistance, contact me at
My step by step directions are designed to help you use my “Made By Marney” paper pieced patterns. Tutorial #1 gets you started on paper piecing a segment. I cannot fit all of the photos in one post, so Tutorial #2 shows how to finish the segment and sew it to a second segment. The pattern I am using can be found as a FREE download on this website starting Tuesday, February 6.
Let’s do a tutorial on paper piecing right now. Set the stitch length on your sewing machine to 1.5 (that’s about 20 stitches per inch).
Step 1 : Make 3 copies of the original pattern. (I use cheap copy paper.) Cut it into the 3 segments A, B and C, shown by the red lines. I like to add 1/4″ seam allowances between the segments. This is not a necessary step, but I find it a helpful reminder as I paper piece. If you prefer, you could just make 1 copy of the pattern and cut it apart on the red lines. Just make sure you are allowing plenty of fabric along the edges for the 1/4″ seam allowance as you paper piece. I will be paper piecing Segment C.
Step 2: Pin a scrap of fabric behind piece #1. Hold the pattern up to a light source so you can position the piece behind piece #1 on the pattern. The right side of the fabric is facing away from the back of the pattern. Note that the scrap is larger than piece #1 to allow for seam allowances.
Hello to my friends everywhere! Today I am giving a special shout out to my friends and customers from Australia. I was fortunate enough to have my latest book, “Sew Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” previewed in their magazine, “Down Under Quilts“.
There I am on the cover…well it’s not really me, but my Rudolph.
The magazine shares a FREE pattern block “Present” from my book and the instructions to make it into a placemat.
I am very busy working on some cute designs for Valentines/Winter. There is an upcoming BLOG HOP that I want to share with you. In February, I will be participating in the “Put A Little Love In Your Heart” Blog Hop from February 5-8.
This is right around the corner. Everyday different quilters will be sharing a FREE pattern with a heart in it. This sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait! I will keep you posted as this fun event approaches. Some of the sights, including mine, will be offering give-aways, too.
I’ll let you know what my give-away will be next week! Stay tuned…
Linking up with:
Quilting Is More Fun than Housekeeping
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Hi everyone…thanks so much for stopping by. Here are my 5 favorite posts of 2017.
My Jolly Old St. Nick was one of my favorite patterns this year for beginners. This post was very popular with new and experienced paper piecers because it was easy, but cute!
Because my customers love FREE patterns, my Halloween blocks were some of my favorite creations this year.
I adore spending a weekend at my cabin. This loon block gives me a calm feeling of relaxation and reminds me of the lovely song of the loon that I hear when at the lake.
When my kids were little, they loved hearing nursery rhymes from the Richard Scarey book. This quilt reminds me of reading to my kids every nite before bedtime.
This patriotic quilt is a special design for customers who want to create Quilts of Honor.
Thanks to all my friends and customers for visiting my blog. I love sharing with you!
Linking with:
Confessions of A Fabric Addict
I just can’t stop!!! Designing these Halloween blocks is so much fun! Here are 4 more paper pieced blocks which I am calling my “Black and White Series”.
These are 8″x 8″ unfinished blocks. I used them for potholders, but they also work great in my pillow pattern
or could be used in my “Boo” Table Runner pattern.
Or, put the entire collection of Halloween blocks together to make a quilt.
These FREE blocks can be found on Craftsy and Etsy. Or you may download them here: BLACK-AND-WHITE-BLOCKS-MERGED-AND-UPDATED.pdf (2168 downloads ) .
Thanks so much for being loyal customers and friends! If you have not already done so, please SUBSCRIBE.
Today I am linking to:
Quilting is More Fun Than Housework
Show and Tell Monday with Bambi
Welcome to the 3rd Annual Row Along hosted by Seams to Be Sew. A huge Thank You to Marian Penn for organizing this event. Also, thanks to our sponsors, Northcott Fabrics and Calibre Art . Our sponsors are wonderful and we owe them a HEAP of gratitude. Read to the end of this post to find information about the Give-Aways from Northcott and Calibre.
This is your chance to download tons of free row patterns. I am just 1 of many pattern designers involved in this row-along. This year’s row-along will last for 6 weeks, ending with a “Show and Tell” day Tuesday, October 10. Starting September 5, every Tuesday and Thursday 5 (some days 4) different pattern designers will be offering a FREE row pattern. All rows will measure 30 1/2″ long, so all will consistently fit together into the quilt of your choosing.
Each row is designed with a specific Christmas carol in mind. My row was inspired by “Jolly Old St. Nick”. I love to paper piece images of Santa, and this is the perfect song. The pattern is paper pieced and is very easy to assemble. If you are new to paper piecing, I suggest you watch my free tutorial on sewing a Simple Paper Pieced Block, found on my “Tutorials” page.
Here are photos of the 4 blocks that make up my row. Remember, when paper piecing, your finished block always turns out the opposite of the original pattern.
The pattern explains how to tie a “knot nose” using a scrap of muslin. So cute! My finished row shows the “Jolly Old St. Nick” row finished as a table runner with an inner and outer border. Also, consider using just the “HO HO” block for a pillow or potholder!
Please visit all of today’s Row-Along participants:
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Mountain Meadow Designs
Quilt Art
Made By Marney
Renee’s Quilting Addiction
And now for the Give-Aways!
Give-Away #1: This prize comes from Purple Daisies.
Purple Daisies are giving away a Quilt-As-You-Go DVD…a $30 value! Find out more about this product here.
This Give-Away will end on Thursday, October 5. The winner will be announced shortly thereafter. The rules and regulations of this drawing are found at
Guidelines-For-Entering-Giveaways.docx (1140 downloads )
. You will be responsible for paying the shipping.a Rafflecopter giveaway
Give-Away #2: My “Dogs Only” paper pieced pattern. If you like to paper piece, and you like pets…this is the quilt for you! Eleven different dog breeds represented in one quilt.
Enter for the pattern here. This Give-Away will be sent to the winner via download and ends on October 5. The winner will be announced shortly thereafter. a Rafflecopter giveaway
For information about Give-Aways from Northcott and Calibre, visit Seams To Be Sew.
Thanks so much for visiting my website today. I love “comments”, so feel free to leave one.
Linking with:
Quilting is More Fun Than Housework
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Here is the complete list of all 44 designers offering free Row-Along downloads.
The Christmas Caroling Row Along Schedule
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Quilting Affection
Any Pattern
Just Let Me Quilt
Quilt In Piece
Kissed Quilts
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Daydreams of Quilts
Seams To Be Sew
Be A Quilter
Creatin’ in the Sticks
Fun Threads
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Sew Incredibly Crazy
Masterpiece Quilting
Sugarlane Designs
Happy Sewing Room
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Barbara Dieges
Cynthia’s Creating Ark
The Quilted Snail
Ms. P. Designs USA
(sponsored by Just Let Me Quilt)
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Jaded Spade Creations
Adventurous Applique and Quilting
UlaSewing / SzycieUli
From Blank Pages
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Martina Latimer
(site will open late next week)
Quilt Fabrication
Patchwork Breeze
Patti’s Patchwork
Miss Loreen’s Schoolhouse
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Cheryl LaPlante
(sponsored by Quilt In Piece)
Morning Glory
Pampered Pettit
Fun Threads
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Mountain Meadow Designs
Quilt Art
Made By Marney
Renee’s Quilting Addiction
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
MaryMack’s Blog
Kathys Kwilts and More
Pamela Quilts
Duck Creek Mountain Quilting
Heleen Pinkster
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Seams To Be Sew
A Dream and A Stitch
Upstairs Hobby Room
Words & Stitches
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Show and Tell Day
Bloggers will be announced at a later date
// ]]>
As promised, I am sharing more of my favorite Halloween paper pieced blocks this week.
This is Skat Cat, the craziest cat in my Halloween collection.
This goofy cat is available as a single paper pieced block.
Bewitched is my favorite witch…and she is very easy to paper piece. This block is also available for sale as a single block.
The Haunted House is part of the Boo Collection, and is sold in a pattern with 6 other Halloween blocks, plus a table runner and potholder pattern.
And finally, here are 2 blocks that are FREE.
The Frankenstein and Dracula paper pieced block patterns are FREE and can be downloaded here:
Count-Dracula-and-Frankenstein-MERGED.pdf (2138 downloads )
Potholder directions are not included in this download, just the paper pieced block patterns.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy my fun Halloween creations. Attached is a photo of a table runner made from 3 of my Halloween block patterns. Thank you, Wanda, for sharing your cute table runner. And here’s an adorable table topper by Shelley, using all of my Halloween blocks.
Shelley used my Christmas Tree Skirt pattern to assemble this table topper so she could use 8 different Halloween blocks. Didn’t she do an awesome job?!?!
I love seeing my friends’ creations using my patterns. Please share by sending me photos at my email:
Linking with:
Today is the official start of the 3rd Annual Row Along hosted by Seams to Be Sew . I am just 1 of many pattern designers involved in this row-along. This year’s row-along will last for 6 weeks, ending with a “Show and Tell” day Tuesday, October 10. Starting today, every Tuesday and Thursday 5 (some days 4) different pattern designers will be offering a FREE row pattern. All rows will measure 30 1/2″ long, so all will consistently fit together into the quilt of your choosing.
Today you may visit these participating blog sites to find your first FREE row patterns and learn about each site’s GIVE-AWAYS.
The Christmas Caroling Row Along Schedule
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Quilting Affection
Any Pattern
Just Let Me Quilt
Quilt In Piece
Kissed Quilts
This year’s theme is “Christmas Caroling”, and all rows are designed with a particular carol in mind. My row is “Jolly Old St. Nick” and will be available on this website on Thursday, September 28, so be sure to visit me on that day to get this FREE row pattern as well as a FREE give-away!
Please visit Marian at Seams To Be Sew
She is our organizer and has more information about the give-aways.
*There may be a shipping charge to receive the give-away.
I am obsessed with Halloween images! The Frankenstein and Count Dracula paper pieced block patterns are FREE for you.
Both blocks will be easy for an intermediate paper piecer. They make sweet potholders, pillows, table runners …and wouldn’t they make a great trick or treat sack? Use the “Gift Sack” pattern from my new book, “Sew Yourself a Merry Little Christmas“. The book is full of super easy projects.
Look for these free patterns on Etsy and Craftsy. Or download the patterns right here: Count-Dracula-and-Frankenstein-MERGED.pdf (2138 downloads )
If you like them, please SUBSCRIBE to this website so you don’t miss any of my upcoming posts.
I hope you enjoy these Halloween images. I had sooo much fun making them…and watch for more Halloween blocks to come in the next couple of weeks! What’s your favorite Halloween theme?