Farmyard Stars Paper Pieced Quilt

FullSizeRenderFarmyard Stars is my favorite quilt to date! It brings back  fond memories of growing up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin.

Demi Moo 1800 pixelsBecause all the animals are stars to me, I have named them after celebrities. This is Demi Moo the cow.

FullSizeRender-3And this is Pig-Casso the pig!

FullSizeRender-2Also meet Kitty Purry, the cat!

FullSizeRender-8And here’s Pony Danza, the horse! The fun goes on and on… You will have to purchase the entire pattern to meet all 12 funky farm friends.  This quilt would be an excellent Block of The Month project. Available on my Etsy site and on Craftsy.


6 thoughts on “Farmyard Stars Paper Pieced Quilt

  1. A thump from a rabbit isn’t a good sound. It means they are annoyed or think they are in danger. When a rabbit is happy, it actually makes a honking sound!

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