Tag Archives: quilt block patterns

Even MORE Halloween Fun!

I’ve had so much fun all month designing Halloween Gnomes. I know how much you love paper pieced gnomes, and so do I! After finishing 12 new Halloween blocks, I have put them into my latest quilt pattern.


I’m loving all of these Gnomes, but here are some of my favorites…

The SO FRANKEN CUTE GNOME has a tiny little spider made from a button with French Knot eyes. Adorps!

The WITCH’S BREW GNOME is mixing her favorite concoction in her cauldron….TOO FUN!

Here is BOO 2 GNOME. He’s one of my faves!

JACK O’LANTERN GNOME couldn’t be any cuter. I love the white tooth!

BLACK CAT GNOME was the most fun to piece! But I honestly love them all. All 12 Halloween blocks are also available sold separately for your smaller holiday projects.

I would like to thank all of my friends and customers who participated in this year’s Row-Along. The winner of my FREE GNOME WITH BIG CATCH block pattern is Sue Holman. Congrats!

More Halloween Fun…Gotta Love It!

Your response to my latest Halloween paper pieced blocks was so overwhelming that guess what? I designed more! Let’s get as much Halloween as possible!

The WITCH GNOME WITH SPIDER is cute, cute, cute! Maybe use this witch gnome with my other WITCH BLOCKS to make a table runner or quilt?

This little gnome is holding the biggest candy corn ever! CANDY CORN GNOME is stinkin’ cute!


FROG MAGIC is a witchy little frog. I’m planning a super cool pillow with this little guy! Aren’t frogs just the best?

Look at this adorable Spider Pillow created by Connie, using my SPOOKY SPIDER BLOCK.


You can purchase just my SPIDER BLOCK HERE, or If you want to make a Spider Pillow just like Connie’s, you can order Connie’s kit by going to OCTOBER 31 PILLOW KIT. The kit will include the Spider pattern.

That’s all for now…but we still have lots of time before Halloween 2021, so stay tuned for even more Halloween fun!


My favorite holiday is approaching! I’m excited to use these brand new Halloween paper pieced block patterns in some projects. Which is your favorite?


Wouldn’t an entire Halloween Quilt be great? Here are more Halloween paper pieced blocks that could be added…

This spooky quilt was put together by my customer Donna. She did an awesome job using my collection of Halloween blocks. All of these block patterns, as well as all of the gnome blocks can be found at ETSY.

Protected: It’s a SEASIDE ADVENTURE Row-Along AND Give-Away!

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Gardening Gnomes

Gardening is such a popular pastime. I am almost as passionate about gardening as I am for paper piecing.

My sweet customer Trish, requested some gardening gnomes.

Trish particularly wanted a girl gnome with braids.


This gnome helps me water the flowers.

I use my blocks for all sorts of projects…

Garden Gnome Vest

I designed this vest for a sewing competition. Kind of quirky and whimsical! Next I am using the garden gnomes on some pillows for a gift.

The 3 day sewing competition is called TOP STITCH and was held in Ripon, Wisconsin. There were 4 of us competing, sewing a different challenge every day. The first day we created umbrellas…

Chris, Myself, Jill, and Deanna

Our second challenge was a lampshade…

Can you guess which lampshade is mine??? Here’s a hint…it’s the paper pieced one!

The best thing about the competition was meeting 3 new wonderful friends. Jill’s company, June Tailor, is having a huge WAREHOUSE SALE in West Bend next week. She invited me to be a vendor.

I will be vending on Thursday and Friday, August 26 and 27 at this awesome fabric and notions sale in West Bend, Wisconsin.

If you are wondering who won the TOP STITCH competition…it wasn’t me! But I will keep the names of the winners a surprise, as you can watch the video on Creative Spark soon.

Just a Few Days Left!

Our Christmas Pattern Bundle ends on Friday. It has everything you need to get a GOOD HEAD START this year! With quilts, tree skirt, ornament, stocking, mini quilts (perfect for quick decorations) this bundle of 13 patterns by 13 designers will help you get sewing and inspired to get done sooner than Christmas eve. Thirteen Christmas patterns for $19.99, for a limited time – available for 5 days only, July 5-9, 2021!

This is a short 5 day sale.  After this date, the product will not be available for purchase any longer. So, —if you snooze you lose.

You’ll love the patterns, which include paper piecing, traditional piecing and a little bit of embroidery. Something for any level of quilter.  From beginner to advanced. You’ll love showing off your skills with these fun gifts you can sew! 

And, maybe you’ll just sew them for yourself.  That’s all right too. 

To check out the patterns AND the DESIGNERS — GO HERE!

These are our 13 designers…find them on Instagram here…















Gnome For Christmas

Want to get in on a great deal? I am linking with 13 pattern designers to offer you my newest gnome pattern, Gnome For Christmas Tree Skirt. My pattern will be included in a bundle of patterns from all 13 designers, for only $19.99.

This is the first time I am offering a group of Gnome blocks in one pattern, which many of my customers have been requesting. Here’s your chance to get 8 Gnome block patterns, AND the directions to construct this adorable Christmas Tree Skirt.


Check out the CHRISTMAS IN JULY BUNDLE… it’s an amazing deal! For $19.99 you will be getting loads of adorable holiday patterns. Get ahead of the season by starting your Christmas sewing now!

I designed this TREE SKIRT pattern just for this event, but it can also be used as a table topper. And, each of the 8 different gnomes can be used in scores of other patterns which will be available on my MADE BY MARNEY ETSY shop soon…


Each individual gnome block pattern sells for $3 in my shop, so purchasing them as a bundle is a great deal!


Here are close-ups of the other gnome blocks available in the CHRISTMAS PATTERN BUNDLE


13 Christmas patterns from 13 different designers…all for only $19.99! BUT THIS OFFER STARTS JULY 5 AND ENDS ON JULY 9! Don’t miss out. See all of the patterns available at CHRISTMAS PATTERN BUNDLE, and start your holiday sewing today!


As summer approaches, I am anticipating playing my newest passion in the park, Pickleball. All winter I have beaten the blues by socializing with 8 friends at indoor pickleball, while wearing masks.

I even sewed matching “pickle masks” for our teams. But I can’t wait to get back outside and play at some of the local courts in our city parks.

So when my son Brady suggested I create a Pickleball Gnome, I knew he was absolutely right. How had I forgotten to make a gnome doing my favorite sport?

Pickleball Gnome Potholders

You can get both patterns as a set, plus the directions to sew these cute as can be potholders.

Pickleball Gnome Dinker

Or get the paper pieced block patterns separately. Here’s the “Dinker”, which is a short shot.

Pickleball Gnome Slammer

And here’s the Pickleball Slammer, which is my favorite shot!

I’d love to hear from any other pickleball enthusiasts! What are you doing to promote pickleball? Where do you love to play? I’m in Wisconsin, so we are limited in winter to a tennis center or YMCA.


I’m having fun designing new bird patterns…


Finding the right fabrics is always the key. The water fabric is perfect, don’t you agree? And the wonky black and white hashtag makes a super cute loon fabric! LOON ON THE LAKE #2 and LOON ON THE LAKE #3 are both brand new designs.


Here’s a loon I already had in my collection of FOWL FRIENDS. I’m planning to put all 3 of these loons together for a table runner for my cabin. We have a pair of loons that return to our lake in northern Wisconsin every year.


Those loons were my inspiration for designing this quilt pattern. I wanted to make a collection of water loving birds.

Here are some creations that my customers have made from my first loon pattern…

Barb made her loon for a challenge quilt.
Here’s her finished challenge quilt…awesome!

Larisa created her loons for a lap quilt. Who doesn’t love loons!


CHICKADEE #1 and CHICKADEE #2 were both designed at the request of a customer.


These 2 cuties remind me of Spring.


I Love Kitty Kats

My customers have been requesting more paper pieced cat patterns, and I am super happy to oblige. Here is a new SIAMESE CAT pattern.


Plus here is an adorable SIAMESE KITTEN


This is my first quilt design with cats, CATS N DOGS.


This quilt has 6 Cats and 6 Dogs. All of the cats are super easy, which makes this a great design for beginner paper piecers.


After seeing how my customers responded to this design, I knew I needed to create a quilt with all cats.


One of these cat patterns was used by my sweet customer Pam, who is teaching paper piece. Such a wonderful skill to develop fine motor coordination.

The cat was created by Jess, a mother of 5. This is her first attempt at paper piecing. Didn’t she do a great job? Sewing has been a stress reliever and time out just for her. I love that she used different sized buttons for the eyes!

This is a quilt from my CATS N DOGS pattern, created by a customer. Love the color scheme they used.

And this quilt created by Bobbi…such great fabrics! This would be great in a nursery…all the young mothers I know are crazy about gray in their nurseries!

The CHRISTMAS CATS pattern has 4 super cute kitties in holiday garb. Look how cute they look when used in this table runner.


Plus I have a nice assortment of HALLOWEEN CATS.

This CUTE KITTY is sold as a block pattern, and is super easy for beginners.


And finally one of my favorites…THREE CATS AND ONE DOG WITH A BONE.


I will keep working on more cat patterns…thanks for being such an inspiration.