This book features 17 of my FAVORITE BLOCK PATTERNS, and I want to share them with you. Koalas, monkeys, sea turtles, gnomes, and so much more.
This is just a sampling of the adorable blocks, and there are 10 more!
Remember…all of my blocks will fit not only in the 7 projects in this book, but will also fit into the projects in my past 6 books. That helps you achieve soooo much creativity in your sewing.
Here’s an example…
This super cute HEDGEHOG PILLOWCASE pattern comes with the book, but here is a baby penguin quilt pattern from my SEW CUTE BABY ANIMALS book.
Using this same pattern, I am substituting the Hedgehog blocks instead of the Penguins. How sweet is that! Here is my finished HEDGEHOG BABY QUILT. You will find everything you need to create this baby quilt in my books, as well as a paper piecing tutorial. I am using minky fabric for the background. So soft and cuddly.
Wrap it up with a stuffed hedgehog and you will RULE at the baby shower!
January is always a tough month for me…getting through 5 weeks of winter can be grueling. I stay in Wisconsin, and take advantage of the snow with some cross country skiing and snow shoeing. AND I decorate with paper pieced snowmen. They can stay in place until Valentine’s Day or beyond, so it’s an easy decorating theme.
I have my SNOWMAN TABLE RUNNER on my dining table this month. And wouldn’t it be adorable with this GNOME SNOWMAN used for the blocks? He has been one of my hottest sellers this month.
This block pattern includes an entire applique alphabet for the flag and even numbers. You can customize your FOOTBALL GNOME with any team letters or numbers!
After months of staying home, I am ready for something fresh and new, and I’ll bet you are too! Fons & Porter has started a brand spanking new publication, QUICK & EASY QUILTS, and this fun, fresh, and new publication is bound to put a spring in your step.
The premiere issue is coming in August/September. Inside you’ll find 12 fresh projects that are not only Accessible to Beginners but Appealing to All Quilters and guess who has a project inside…
All of the Star-Studded Designers in this issue include:
Victoria Findlay Wolfe @VictoriaFindlayWolfe
Charisma Horton @CharismaHorton
Kimberly Jolly @itssewemma and @fatquartershop
Abigail Dolinger @aby.quilts
Geraldine Wilkins @LivingWaterQuilter
Jen Daly @JenDalyQuilts
Mary Hertel @MadebyMarney (me!)
Scott Flanagan @ScottAlanFlanagan
Nancy Mahoney @NancyMahoney
Reed Johnson @BlueBearQuilts
Ramona Sorensen
Gina Reddin @GinaReddin
My Puppy and Kitty Pocket Pillowcase patterns are featured in the issue. This pint-sized pillowcase has a paper pieced pocket that can hold a special surprise for your little one.
A 12″ x 16″ travel pillow fits perfectly in this mini pillowcase. The pocket can hold a toy or book, to entertain your child when you are traveling.
The pockets are paper pieced, and so easy. Make both pillows in no time!
I am so excited to share the news about this new publication. Order your copy HERE and see 11 more stunning projects.
Starting September 3, you can HOP along with our Row Along. Each day designers will be giving FREE patterns for rows that could be used in quilts, table runners, place mats, etc. Each row correlates to a story or fairy tale.
Click to see lots more GIVE-AWAYS. And, hang with me til the end of this post for my Give-Away. Please visit Seams to be Sew to read the rules for our Give-aways.
My row is vertical and measures 9″x18″ finished. I was motivated by “The Last Unicorn“, written by Peter Beagle.
DREAM BIG, from Made By Marney
This is a paper pieced pattern and may be purchased here: CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE.
Here’s a clever idea to use this row in a super cute PILLOWCASE. Here is a tutorial to sew your own Dream Big Unicorn Pillowcase. OR, scroll to the end to see my GIVE-AWAY.
Dream Big Unicorn Pillowcase
Where better to DREAM BIG than on your pillowcase, right? NORTHCOTT fabrics have been wonderfully generous in suppling us with fabric for our samples. I am using Northcott White 22 136-10 for my main pillowcase fabric, and scraps for the paper piecing. I use French seams and line the back of the paper pieced part of the pillowcase so there are no exposed seams, as this is an item that will be washed repeatedly. Finished size: 20 1/2″x 28″, fits a standard sized pillow.
Cut these pieces from 1 yard of the main fabric:
2 rectangles 2″x 9 1/2″
1rectangle 7″x 21″
1 rectangle 9″x 21″
2 rectangles 21″x 25″
From 1/3 yard of contrasting color cut:
1 strip 10″ x WOF (width of fabric)
From 1/3 yard of fusible fleece cut:
1 rectangle 9 1/2″x 21 1/2″
Sew the 2″x 9 1/2″ strips to the top and bottom of the paper pieced unicorn.
Remove the paper from the back of the unicorn. Steam press the fusible fleece to the wrong side of the unicorn unit. Quilt as desired (there will only be 2 layers to quilt through instead of the usual 3 layers of fabric).
Use 7″x 21″ fabric.
Pin the 7″x 21″ piece of main fabric to the unicorn unit, with right sides together.
Lining piece.
Trim 1 of the 21″x 25″ pieces of fabric to 11″x 21″. This will be the lining, although I am using the main fabric so as not to waste fabric. Pin this piece over the 7″x 21″ piece, right side of fabric facing down. Stitch through all 3 layers, using a 1/4″ seam allowance.
Press open.
Press the fabric to the right of the unicorn and the seam allowance towards the unicorn.
This is the back view.
Press only the LINING piece over the back of the unicorn.
Turn under excess and press.
Turn under any fabric that extends past the unicorn, and press under to form a hem. You may trim the excess to 1/2″ if preferred. The hem should be even with the raw edge of the unicorn.
Push the lining aside when attaching the left portion of the pillowcase top.
Pin the 9″x 21″ piece of main fabric to the left side edge of the unicorn unit. Sew in place using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Press the fabric open. Press the seam towards the unicorn.
Pin lining in place.
Pin the hem edge of the lining over the seam allowance and pin in place.
This is the back of the pillowcase.
Hand stitch the hem in place. The front of the pillowcase is now finished.
Assemble the pillowcase using French seams. Pin the 21″x 25″ piece of main fabric to the back of the pillowcase, wrong sides together. Sew together using a scant 1/8″ seam allowance.
Turn the pillowcase with the right sides together, press, and sew the same seam again, using a 14″ seam allowance. This encases the previous seam.
Add the Cuff.
Press the 10″x WOF strip AND the pillowcase open flat. Pin the right side of cuff fabric along the 42″ edge of the pillowcase, right side of cuff facing wrong side of pillowcase. Notice how I am skipping the SELVAGE part of the cuff. It will be trimmed later.
Burrito cuff pillowcase.
Ross the pillowcase into a tube that will fit inside of the cuff fabric.
Roll the cuff fabric up and over the pillowcase tube and pin in place.
Here you see how I am matching the edges of cuff fabric and pillowcase fabric and pinning in place. Sew through all layers with a 1/4″ seam allowance.
Pull the pillowcase out of the tube through one of the side edge holes.
Press cuff flat and trim away any excess cuff from both sides of the pillowcase. Now finish sewing the pillowcase together using French seams.
Fold the pillowcase in half, with the right side out and pin the two remaining sides together. Sew a scant 1/8″ seam allowance on these two sides. Turn inside out and press.
Pin the same two edges with the RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER, and sew a 1/4″ seam allowance, encasing the previous seam.
Turn right side out and press flat. How sweet is that? This pillowcase is ready for some BIG dreams!
GIVE-AWAY: Click HERE for the chance to win this Northcott Fat Quarter Bundle, a $20 value.
Now for MY GIVEAWAY. Click to enter to win a FREE paper piece and appliqued pattern to create this super cute UNICORN LAP QUILT. Alphabet letters are included to applique a personalized name on this project, if so desired. This adorable pattern is also available on my Etsy shop. Don’t forget to leave a comment!
=========================================================== Tuesday, October 08, 2019 – SNT
Beth Strand Carol Andrews Carol Swift Cindy Pieters Debra Davis Dione Gardner-Stephen Elizabeth Coughlin Linda Bratten Lydia Midday Marian Pena Nancy Myers Pamela Boatright Paula Gilmore Ursula Prandtstetter
This is the time of year that I miss watching my team play football every week. If my favorite team does not make the playoffs, January is a very gloomy time of year.
I designed this paper pieced pillowcase for my favorite team, the Green Bay Packers. But, since I love football in general, I didn’t want to omit other fans favorite teams. I went on to design these pillowcase patterns so other fans could have fun paper piecing, too.
Minnesota Vikings will be the only team from the Central Division to advance to the playoffs…
Here are the other teams from my division for whom I have developed patterns; Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears. But, I have had requests from these fans as well.
I’ve been considering working up pillowcase patterns for this years top teams, but I am limited to a 6 letter per line format. This means that I can only fit 6 letters or spaces per line and am limited to 2 lines. Help me out with names for these teams…
New Orleans Saints: SAINTS WIN!
Atlanta Falcons: DIRTY BIRDS (but is this complimentary??? Please advise me, Falcon fans.)
New England Patriots: GO PATS
Los Angeles Rams: LOVE RAMS
Philadelphia Eagles: EAGLES SOAR
Carolina Panthers: GO CATS (not in love with this…but do you have anything better???)
If I have omitted your team, and you have a clever idea for their name, please share!