My step by step directions are designed to help you use my “Made By Marney” paper pieced patterns. Tutorial #1 gets you started on paper piecing a segment. I cannot fit all of the photos in one post, so Tutorial #2 shows how to finish the segment and sew it to a second segment. The pattern I am using can be found as a FREE download on this website starting Tuesday, February 6.
Let’s do a tutorial on paper piecing right now. Set the stitch length on your sewing machine to 1.5 (that’s about 20 stitches per inch).
Step 1 : Make 3 copies of the original pattern. (I use cheap copy paper.) Cut it into the 3 segments A, B and C, shown by the red lines. I like to add 1/4″ seam allowances between the segments. This is not a necessary step, but I find it a helpful reminder as I paper piece. If you prefer, you could just make 1 copy of the pattern and cut it apart on the red lines. Just make sure you are allowing plenty of fabric along the edges for the 1/4″ seam allowance as you paper piece. I will be paper piecing Segment C.
Step 2: Pin a scrap of fabric behind piece #1. Hold the pattern up to a light source so you can position the piece behind piece #1 on the pattern. The right side of the fabric is facing away from the back of the pattern. Note that the scrap is larger than piece #1 to allow for seam allowances.

Those chickens are the cutest ever!
Thanks Deana…they are in my “Cute and Clever Totes” book! I grew up on a farm and we always raised chickens for the eggs.
It is always fascinating to see the different ways people paper piece. Thanks for the tutorial.
Love the chickens patterns! Thanks for the tutorial and for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!
Great tutorial ! Thank you for sharing.
Great tutorial Marney! I never thought about starting 1/4″ before the line, thanks for sharing!
You’re so talented! Everything is absolutely adorable, and it must have taken a long time to put that tutorial together for everyone.
I really loved the blog. Very useful.Thank you for sharing it!